This page is open for you who want to share your success story with others.

How to share your success story:

1. Write your success story that really happened to you.

2. Include your passport size and other photos expressing your breakthrough.

3. Give full contact details i.e. e-mail address, phone number and location (this will be displayed referring to the will of story teller/writer).

4.Send a well written story in either doc or pdf and a video clip (if you have) through our e-mail address: (Otherwise you will be contacted to shoot a video clip after receiving the document).
5. In case you want to share your success story through mobile phone(we will convert it into written document, then you will be asked to send requirement in part 2 and 3.

It must be noted that, your success story is used for Inspiring other people to Start Now! as you Started. 

Be the first to Start Now! Get exposed to World, having extra momentous opportunities!

Call: +255 754 572 143

Thank you for your contribution.
Karibu Sana.

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